Shura, Peace be upon all of you, In the name of Allah, we open the meetings of the second year of the 5th session of Majlis Al-Shura, praying to Allah to make our deeds purely for his noble sake, and to make the year full of blessing and bliss for all. Dear Brothers: Islam is a religion of dialogue, moderation and co-existence and from dialogue emanated the principle of Shoura, this divine principle has been asserted in the Holy Quran in a host of verses and made it an important basis for rule in Islam. From that launch pad, the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia showed keenness, since its inception on the hands of the Founder, King Abdulaziz, to institute Majlis Al-Shura, under the dome of which debate and discussion took place on issues relating to motherland and citizens. Dear Brothers: We meet here annually under Majlis Al-Shura dome, with studying eyes and open mind to see the best achievements of your government internally and abroad to take lessons and to have a look at the future, in order to protect the motherland and citizen's gains against regional and international fallouts, inflicted on the region. Your government through its exerted efforts has managed to tackle those fallouts with wisdom and insight, and eventually saved the country by taking it away from such dangers and thus kept the gains intact and continues its development process. Dear Brothers: Since I met you during the opening of the meetings of the first year of the 5th session of Majlis Al-Shura last year, and the government of Saudi Arabia has been continuing to carry out comprehensive policies to cover various domains, internally and externally, and we thanked the almighty Allah that he guided us to reach positive results which you are in touch with and see in reality. That does not mean complete satisfaction, rather it is a stimulus for more and better performance which we do not look for any reward for it but Allah's acceptance and then serving this motherland and its people. --More