Aqsa Mosque on Sunday and clashing with the worshipers. The Cabinet also condemned the decision of the Israeli authorities to annex Al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil and Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque in Bethlehem to the list of Israeli archaeological sites. Also, the Cabinet condemned the continued excavations Israeli occupation authorities have been carrying out under the walls of occupied Al-Quds, stressing that these practices constitute a serious provocation to the feelings of Muslims all over the world. The Cabinet urged the international community to stand firm against these practices and compel Israel to abandon these practices and the policy of annexing Palestinian land by force, ignoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and defying the will of the international community which seeks to implement t peace and stability in the region. Dr. Khoja said the Cabinet then reviewed a number of issues on its agenda and issued the following decisions: The Cabinet authorized the Second Deputy Premier, Interior Minister (or his deputy) to discuss and sign with the Turkish side a draft cooperation agreement which helps in penal cases between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Turkey. The Cabinet approved the renewal of the "Protocol of Security Cooperation among the governments of neighboring countries of Iraq and the government of the Republic of Iraq on fighting terrorism, infiltration and organized crime" approved by Royal Decree No. (M/31) dated 29/03/1428H. for a period of three years. -- More