The San Diego Zoo got a big gift for Valentine's Day _ a baby elephant, according to AP. The zoo's Wild Animal Park says the male African elephant was born around 2 a.m. Sunday. Park spokeswoman Yadira (Yah-DEER'-uh) Galindo says visitors camping at the zoo were awakened by elephants trumpeting _ a common behavior when a calf is born. The females of the herd circled the 224-pound calf to protect it. Galindo says the calf is able to stand and nurse and is doing well Tuesday. The calf hasn't been named yet. His mother is a 20-year-old called Ndlulamitsi (Eh-DOO'-luh-MIHT'-see), which means «taller than trees.» His father is Mabhulane (Mah-boo-LAH'-nee). The calf is the sixth born into a herd that was imported from Swaziland in 2003. The herd has now grown to 13.