A third person not on the White House guest list was able to gain access to President Barack Obama"s first state dinner organized in November for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, dpa quoted the Secret Service as confirming today. The Secret Service in a statement said the individual, who was unnamed, travelled to the White House dinner as part of the official Indian delegation but was not on a pre-approved list for the event. The person went through security screening and did not appear to have direct contact with Obama or the first lady, Michelle, the Secret Service said. The latest revelation was the result of a review of White House security after it emerged that two other guests, Tareq and Michaele Salahi, managed to crash the November 24 dinner, even though they were not on the guest list. The Salahis were able to have their picture taken with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. The Secret Service said it has already made changes to its procedures for foreign delegations as a result of the security breach.