Dr. Osamah Jafar Faqeeh, the President of The General Auditing Bureau (GAB) will lead the Saudi delegation to the 59th meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ANTOSAI), scheduled to take place from November 16-18 in Cape Town, South Africa. Dr. Osamah Faqih, as the Second Vice-Chairman of the ANTOSIA"s Governing Board, will present a report on the activities of the Finance and administrative committee (FAC) chaired byDR. Osama himself, on the preparation and follow up of the Organization"s strategic plans. During the Board meeting, The Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between ANTOSAI and the International donors community will be ratified. The MoU represents a general framework to enhance cooperation and provide support to the chief financial controller offices in the developing countries to enable them to build their own institutional capacity and increase the institutions" effectiveness. ANTOSIA was founded in 1953 in Havana, Cuba. It"s headquarters are in Vienna, Austria. The total members of the of relevant institutions amounted to 170. --SPA