As many as 14 comprehensive medical care clinics are operating at all terminals of King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA). In addition, Thermal cameras for epidemic diseases detection are also installed at every terminal of the Airport and also at Jeddah Islamic Port. Moreover, 1,200 physicians, technicians and administrative staff members are summoned to work at the Holy Sites in Makkah as well as the foreign pilgrims gateways at KAIA and the Islamic Port in Jeddah, said Dr. Sami Mohamed Ba-Daoud, Director General of Health Affairs, Jeddah. The Directorate of Health Affairs in Jeddah began early its preparations for the current Hajj season. All vacations requests of its employees are postponed in Jeddah, Rabigh and Al Allaith hospitals in anticipation of any emergency circumstances that might arise in Hajj season of this year, he added. Non-life threatening cases scheduled for surgeries are also re-scheduled in all hospitals affiliated to the Jeddah Health Affairs Directorate for the same purpose. These cases include plastic, supplementary and regular operations, he added. As many as 50 ICU-beds in King Abdulaziz Hospital, King Fahd and Al-Thaghr Hospitals are allocated for emergency cases that could be transferred from hospitals in Makkah or the Holy Sites. In addition to infants incubators in Al Azezeyah Maternity and Pediatric Hospital, the Maternity hospital in Al Musaedeyah as well as private hospitals are also allotted to deal with delivery-cases. More