wide aspiration for founding an umbrella institution for Muslim solidarity." "In fact, as a modern regime in the contemporary life of the Muslim world, the OIC serves as an engine for progress and prosperity in the Muslim world. It is considered the rallying assembly of Muslims, where their leadership meet to discuss their affairs, and elaborate their common decisions to better serve their interests and concerns. One of the duties of the OIC nowadays is to project the true enlightened message of Islam to the world, based on Islam's compassionate image through presenting its noble values and supreme principles," he was quoted as saying in a report carried today by OIC web-site. "Presently, the OIC is regarded as the unique and the most trusted and authoritative spokesman for the Muslim world on the major global issues. It is in this light that the United States administration has recently came to appreciate and recognize this role and took the decision of nominating a Special Envoy to the OIC. It is also based on this premise that both President Bush and President Obama acknowledged the OIC role in the international arena." --MORE