Oil production is under way at the Nu‘ayyim plant, bringing 100,000 barrels per day of Arabian Super Light in addition to 100 million standard cubic feet per day of associated gas. The field is 250 kilometers south of Riyadh and about 50 km northeast of the Hawtah Plant, which was the first Central Region producing facility. Nu‘ayyim is equipped with the latest smart-field technology, enabling operators to view a variety of relevant down hole and surface data and make adjustments from their control-room desks. Production and reservoir engineers are able to monitor well performance and acquire real-time information that allows them to perform first-class reservoir management. The gas-oil separation plant has compressors capable of transporting gas the 300-km distance to Haradh Gas Plant. It also marks a first for Southern Area Oil Operations (SAOO) with the addition of the Tetraethyleneglycol, or TEG, Unit, which removes liquid residues from the gas before shipment to Haradh to minimize pipeline and valve corrosion and save maintenance costs. --MORE