All forms of Human Trafficking in are banned. These forms include any person's coercion, threat, deception, deceit or abduction; misuse of position, influence or authority against him; taking advantage of his weakness or giving or receiving money or advantages to gain approval of a person having control over another for sexual acts, work, coercive service, begging, slavery, practices similar to slavery, organs' removal or performing medical tests on him/her. 2- Any one committing the crime of trafficking in persons shall be punished with either imprisonment for a period not exceeding 15 years or a fine not exceeding one million Saudi Riyals or with both of them. The punishments in this regulation shall be increased in a number of cases including: A- If it is committed against a woman or any one with special needs, B- If it is committed against a child even if the perpetrator did not know that the victim was a child, C- If the perpetrator victimized a spouse or one of the victim's close relatives, or if the perpetrator was a guardian or having authority over the victim, D- If the perpetrator was an official of the regulations' enforcement, --More