Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Chairman of Board of Directors of King Faisal Center for Islamic Research and Studies, currently on a visit to Australia, graced here last night a dinner party held in his honor by the Islamic Council in Australia's New South Wales State. The party was attended by former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser; Multicultural Minister Laurie Ferguson; Saudi Ambassador to Australia Hassan Talat Nazer; a number of ambassadors of Arab and Islamic states and Australian personalities. Addressing the party, Prince Turki al-Faisal emphasized the values and meanings of moderation and dialogue in Islam and the fight against extremism, which constitute a fundamental and important part of the teachings and the nature of Islam, which is the religion of millions of Muslims around the world. He reviewed a number of issues and current Arab and international crises, highlighting Saudi Arabia's position on the issue of peace in the Middle East, and indicating that the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the implementation of Arab peace initiative will push forward to finding solutions to other regional and international issues. --More