India's newly sworn-in Prime Minister Manmohan said today his government would focus on restoring the country's economic growth in a way that includes the poor, according to dpa. "Our first priority is to restore the economy, especially keeping the global recession (in mind)," Singh told reporters after assuming office for a second consecutive term. "Industrial production is down. Certain sectors need revival, though the Indian economy is not so badly affected. Corrected measures have to be taken," he was quoted as saying by the IANS news agency. "Growth will be our main focus. And when I mean growth, I mean inclusive growth that will carry everyone along, including the underprivileged in the country," he added. On the foreign policy front, Singh hoped that neighbouring Pakistan would cooperate with India on all matters, including not allowing terrorist activities on its territory. New Delhi halted a bilateral peace process with Pakistan after the attacks on Mumbai by Pakistani-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group, which left over 170 people dead last November. "Terrorism is a problem everywhere. My sincere hope is that Pakistan would cooperate with India on all matters," Singh said. India's business chambers meanwhile expressed hope that Singh's second term will bring political stability in the country and put India back on a path of strong growth. "Under the leadership of Manmohan Singh, we are sure that we would get a conducive economic environment in which we could propel growth and go back to the 9-per-cent-growth trajectory," said Harsh Pati Singhania, president of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. "We are happy with the achievement of political stability which will facilitate the acceleration of the reform agenda," he added.