U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday spoke about the importance for the United States and its global allies to focus on bettering the earth and human treatment of it. Speaking in Iowa to commemorate Earth Day, Obama took the opportunity to emphasize green jobs and technology and clean energy, which are points that have become central to his administration so far. “Policies to advance energy and climate security should promote economic recovery efforts, accelerate job creation, and drive clean energy manufacturing,” the White House said in a statement released to reporters. Obama's plan for being more environmentally responsible centered on: creating new Jobs in the clean energy economy, promoting U.S. competitiveness for domestic manufacturing along with trade, investing in the next generation of energy technologies, by investing $150 billion over ten years in energy research and development. He also again spoke of the importance for the United States to break their dependence on foreign oil, producing more energy at home, promoting energy efficiency, closing the carbon pollution loophole, and protecting American consumers.