Microsoft Corporation remains interested in buying Yahoo, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said on Thursday, but so far he has only had a single phone call with his counterpart at the internet company. “I'm sure when it's appropriate, we will have a chance to sit down and talk,” Ballmer said at the McGraw-Hill Media Summit in New York on Thursday. Yahoo CEO is Carol Bartz, who took over the position from co-founder Jerry Yang this year. Yang forcefully rejected Microsoft's overtures. The company founded by Bill Gates is interested in Yahoo's search capacity and offered to buy the company for $47.5 billion. “I would expect a there's a good opportunity for a deal,” Ballmer said about the chances of a search capacity partnership. Bartz has kept open the possibility of talks with Microsoft about such a partnership and has said all parts of Yahoo are being examined in a bid to boost growth and compete with Google. Yahoo shares rose 4 cents in early morning trading.