The Indian government is trying to prevent an auction of Mahatma Gandhi's wire-rimmed spectacles and other personal items, UPI quoted officials as saying today. In addition to the eyeglasses, a pair of sandals, a watch and some utensils used by Gandhi are scheduled to go under the hammer March 4 and March 5 at Antiquorum Auctioneers in New York, Press Trust of India reported. Mohandas Gandhi, given the honorific Mahatma or "Great Soul," is remembered in India as the "Father of the Nation" for leading a long campaign of non-violent resistance to British rule. He was assassinated in 1948 by a Hindu nationalist. An official with the Indian Culture Ministry said that the owners have been asked to donate the belongings to the nation. A campaign to stop the auction was headed by Tushar Gandhi, the Mahatma's great-grandson, The Telegraph reported.