building center for regional tourism statistics in the Middle East in addition to the issuance of the Center for the tourism satellite account (TSA). It is a statistical accountant framework in the field of tourism and measures the goods and services according to international standards of concepts, classifications and definitions which allow valid comparisons from country to country in a consistent manner. A complete TSA contains detailed production accounts of the tourism industry and their linkages to other industries, employment, capital formation and additional non-monetary information on tourism), as well as the establishment of an electronic database of tourism providers in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Director General of the MAS, Dr. Mohammad Al-Ahmad said that GIS is a tool to help SCTA to manage tourism sector electronically, pointing out that it contains a set of applications that are characterized by the construction of integrated tourist geographic database to provide an information service for tourists, and access to tourism data from anywhere at any time and over the Internet or through mobile phone devices, which will be available to Internet users through linkage to the MAS and Saudi Tourism websites. He pointed out that the system will contribute to the protection and management of tourism resources, the project also will helps in the formation of electronic archives of geographic information and linking of geographic maps and data unitary system, in addition to adding geographical dimension in electronic transaction, the standardization of technical specifications of the maps, and activation of a mechanism to exchange information with partners. In addition to contribution to the elimination of repetition and maintenance of maps and information as well as assistance to the printing and dissemination of maps and databases.