The International Conference on Fatwa and its Controls organized by the Islamic Jurisprudence Complex of the Muslim World League (MWL) held today its third and fourth sessions. The attendance discussed the importance of fatwa and conditions of its change. The sessions were attended by the Grand Mufti and Head of the MWL Founding Council Sheikh Abdulaziz bun Abdullah Al-Elsheikh; MWL Secretary General Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmohsen Al-Turki; and Secretary General of the Islamic Jurisprudence Complex Dr. Saleh bin Zaben Al-Marzouki Al-Baqmi. The third session was chaired by Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah bin Hmaid Chairman of the Saudi Shoura "Consultative" Council where the papers were presented by some prominent Muslim Ulema and scholars. In the session, the researchers highlighted the importance of fatwa saying that it becomes individual duty on the asked if he is the only one available to answer. They added that fatwa becomes collective duty if there are two or more Muftis in the country while Ifta becomes not permissible if the Mufti is ignorant or he knows that the asker is seeking a pretext to falsehood. The participants stated that the mufti should neither become lenient in permission without evidence nor lean heavily on people with the strictest fatwa which they cannot endure. They added that moderation is the right path and intention of Sharia without extravagance or negligence. --More