Sheikh delivered a speech in which he welcomed the Governor of Makkah Region, and the audience: "This conference takes place in these days of pain during which the Israelis are carrying out their brutal campaign against our brothers in Palestine", the Mufti said. He went on stressing, "That cooperation with our people in Palestine is a crucial thing". "Despite all the assistance provided by the kingdom, there is much more needed from the wider population of Muslims", the Grand Mufti added. "Scholars have taken a solemn oath before God to explain His Law and Teachings and not to say a lie against Him. Scholars are consulted whenever there is a religious issue that needs to be addressed. Issuing fatwa isn't an easy task. It's a great responsibility. Therefore, a mufti must have all the necessary elements". Sheikh Abdulaziz also warned against fatwa TV programs that don't comply by the religious criteria required in the issuance of fatwas. He also emphasized the need for knowledgeable scholars and criticized unauthorized muftis. "Fatwa is not for trade", the Grand Mufti explained. Sheik Abdulaziz also called for the unification of fatwas and warned against hasty fatwas. --More