Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz, the Interior Minister, has received a cable of thanks from Professor Dimitri Frolov, the Director of the Department of Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz for Islamic studies at Moscow University. On behalf of the Department, he expressed appreciation for the support and attention being given by Prince Naif to the Department. Frolov pointed out that the Department was able within the last 12 years to graduate several students who have learnt the Islamic creed and Arabic language, and subsequently these graduates are capable of teaching the non-Muslims about the true Islam and its tolerance and justice. He noted that the Department has so far graduated 1, 700 students at the level of various courses, 400 at the level of university studies and 15 students at the level of masters degree and 10 at the level of doctorates degree. This is an unprecedented achievement by any other international university, he said. Frolov said the department is currently preparing a group of researches in Islamic studies.