Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej will meet senior aides later on Monday to consider options ahead of a court ruling that could force him from power, a senior government source was quoted as saying by Reuters. The Constitutional Court will rule on Tuesday whether the 73-year-old prime minister broke the law by hosting television cooking shows while in office. If found guilty of conflict of interest, Samak will have to step down along with his cabinet, which would satisfy thousands of protesters barricaded inside his official compound for two weeks demanding his resignation. "We expect it to be bad," the government source told Reuters. "He is pondering whether to call it quits before it happens, but his instinct is not to resign. He's an old school politician who believes quitting is for losers." Samak has insisted he will never stand aside or call a snap election, dismissing the protesters from the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) as a mob.