bed capacity, bringing to 33920 the clinical capacity in the Kingdom, the statement said. The number of health centers increased from 1824 in 1424 to 1925 in 1428 H. and 150 new health centers to be opened this year, the Minister said, adding that at the same time the Ministry was embarked on a 4-phase giant project to replace the current health centers by an advanced system. Regarding the development of manpower and Saudization, he said that the total number of employees rose from 134,000 workers in 1424 H., to 152,000 in 1428 H., a rise of around 12% while the percentage of Saudization to the total workforce reached in 1428 H. 52%, an increase of about 5.2% compared to 1424 H. In the field of nursing, the percentage of Saudis increased from 32% in 1424 H. to 42% in 1428 H. The Minister disclosed that a study on a new comprehensive health system called Balsam was forwarded to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for approval. He revealed that the six-month study was the combination of experiences of 12 medically-advanced countries. -- More