Italy's new centre-right government intends to begin moves to re-introduce nuclear power in the country 21 years after it was banned in a referendum, a cabinet minister indicated Thursday, according to dpa.according to dpa. "Within this (five year-long) legislature we will lay down the first stone for the construction of several new generation nuclear power plants," Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola said. Speaking at an assembly of Italy's main industrialist grouping, Confindustria, Scajola said "a return to nuclear power can no longer be avoided." "Only nuclear power plants allow for the large scale production of energy, in a safe way and at competitive costs while respecting the environment," Scajola said, drawing widespread applause from Confindustria members. Italy, by most estimates, the world's seventh largest economy, has, according to Scajola an energy bill of some 60 billion euros (93 billion dollars)" a situation which is stifling its economic growth. The country currently relies heavily on imports to meet its energy requirements.