Pakistan's senior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has flown to Istanbul to represent Pakistan in the 7th ministerial meeting on transport and communication of the ECO (Economic Cooperation Coordination) countries being held in Antalya, Turkey, officials said. Khan has been invited by his Turkish counterpart Binali Yildrim, Minister for Transport and Communications. The ministerial was preceded by senior official session. The ECO is an important regional platform and has been making valuable contributions to and embarked on several projects to strengthen cooperation in many areas of international and transport activities. The meeting will provide an opportunity to the ministers to handle vital projects in the region, inter alia evaluation of the progress in the implementation of the programme of action for ECO decade of transport and communication (1998-2007) and the possible extension and revision of the programme for the next decade. The meeting will review the progress on a memorandum of understanding for the establishment of the cooperation in the fields of air transport, postal services, telecommunication and maritime sector.