Manie said the idea of forming the Company was presented for the first time in 1418 AH, and its formation preceded the undertaking of comprehensive studies which took into account the experiences of some countries like France, Sweden, Malaysia and the US. Following completion of a comprehensive feasibility study, the Cabinet took a decision for the Company's establishment on 2-5-1427 AH as a National Stock Company. Dr al-Manie said the goal of the establishment of the Company is not restricted to the purchase of medicines only, but it also encompassed storage of the medicines as well as transporting them to the stores, management of pharmacies, researches and studies and the unification of the conditions and specifications as well as establishing a computer network that links all health utilities. Dr al-Manie said it will be possible for the Private Sector to participate in the Company after its establishment. It is worth mentioning that the General Investments Fund approved the required articles for the establishment of the Company on 11-2-1429 AH.