Police on Thursday dropped a probe into two plastic drip bags found by a roadside near the northern Swedish city of Ostersund that recently hosted the world biathlon championships, according to dpa. The intravenous bags were used for dialysis treatment, a police statement said. The two IV-bags were discovered in a snowy ditch by a parking spot on the E45 highway Sunday by Jorgen Vikstrom who contacted local police, the regional Ostersunds-Posten newspaper reported. The find generated interest - and speculation of possible doping - against the backdrop of the world biathlon championships in Ostersund. One of the drip bags contained traces of a yellow-coloured liquid, the other was marked glucose - or sugar, the newspaper said earlier. A spokeswoman for the championship organizers said the results of the some 100 doping samples made during the championships were likely due end of February or early March.