Iran received the second shipment of nuclear fuel from Russia on Friday for a power plant being constructed in the southern Iranian town of Bushehr, the official news agency "IRNA" reported. The delivery signaled continued momentum toward beginning operations at the long-delayed 1,000 megawatt light-water reactor, which the Russians are helping to construct and the Iranians say will come online in 2008. Ahmad Fayazbakhsh, deputy head of Iran's nuclear organization, said the fuel was delivered according to a schedule agreed with the Russians, which IRNA indicated would bring 82 tons of nuclear fuel in eight shipments. «The amount of fuel delivered to Bushehr was equal to the previous shipment,» Fayazbakhsh was quoted as saying by IRNA. «It was delivered within a specified timetable.» The Russian firm helping build the Bushehr reactor, Atomstroyexport, confirmed the delivery.