More than three million pilgrims successfully ascended to Arafat valley, the peak ritual of Hajj, at sunset Tuesday and had a smooth and safe descent to Muzdalifah valley where they will stay the night before heading at dawn back to Mina for the three days of Tashreeq. In Arafat, they performed Dhuhr (noon) and Asr (afternoon) prayers successively and shortened. Just after sunset, the pilgrims rushed in vehicles and on foot for Muzdalifah, nearly halfway back to Mina. There, they have to stay the night, perform Maghrib (sunset) and Isha (evening) prayers successively. The three-bow Maghrib prayer is not shortened. Isha will be shortened to two bows, as per traditions of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). In Muzdalifah, they ought to collect tiny stones before heading to Mina to pebble the three devils' replicas. No incident violating security of pilgrimage was reported.