up sessions, will also be addressed by Oil and Energy Ministers of Angola and the United Arab Emirates. On Thursday evening, Oil Ministers will tour the Internation Exhibition on Oil and Gas. On Friday, the Ministerial Seminar will continue its deliberations focusing on OPEC and World Economy, which will attract speeches by international experts. Meanwhile, a closed-door session of Foreign, Petroleum and Finance ministers of OPEC member states will also be held on Friday evening to review and study topics on the agenda of the Summit. On Saturday evening, the Summit will start its proceedings and works, preceded by Press Conferences to be held at the Marriot Hotel by the Managing Director of OPEC Fund for International Development Suleiman Al-Harbash; Azzam Shalabi representing the Industrial Complexes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and Warney Walter. The Summit will conclude its deliberations on Sunday evening. The concluding session of the Summit will be followed by a press conference to be held by Prince Saud Al-Faisal, the Foreign Minister with the participation of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Naimi and Culture and Information Minister Iyad Madani as well as Prince Abdul-aziz bin Salman, the Assistant Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources for Petroleum affairs and OPEC Secretary General Abdullah Al-Badr.