Mohamed Al-Mady, Vice Chairman and CEO of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), was today recognized with his conferment as an Honorary Fellow of the London Business School, ranked as one of the world's top business schools. The award was conferred at the School's annual Summer Congregation ceremony for graduates and award recipients in London, UK. “I am honored, privileged and grateful to accept Honorary Fellowship of the renowned and world-class London Business School” said Al-Mady. “SABIC and the London Business School hold much in common, from our shared visions to be global leaders in our respective fields; functioning as learning organizations, promoting teamwork and innovative research, to achieving excellence in all we set our sights upon” “I wish all of today's recipients of awards and degrees great success. Many will play important roles in the world's quest for just and peaceful resolution of the problems that face us all. Many will contribute to the continuing growth of world trade thereby helping to increase the quality of life for humanity.” “I wish to thank all at the London Business School for this great honor and pass on my heartfelt wishes for their continued success”, he said. --MORE