Malaysia bought two Scorpene submarines to ensure the regional maritime area is safe and passable by merchant ships, reported Malaysian news agency Bernama today. Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar said if Malaysia wanted to play a role at the regional level, surely the country's national defence should be strong to face any eventualities. "But what's important is Malaysia is already known as a maritime country. It's not strange for us to have two submarines that meet our country's requirement whether in the Ambalat Oceon or in Spratly," he said in reply to a member of parliament, Md Alwi Che Ahmad. Md Alwi wanted to know whether Malaysia's purchase of the two submarines would be seen as an arms race by the neighbouring countries that have staked overlapping claims in whole or in part over the Spratly Islands and Ambalat Sea. The 1.04 billion Euro purchase of the two Scorpene submarines was signed in June 2002 between Malaysia and two shipbuilders from France and Spain, DCN and Navantia. -- SPA