Minister of Interior Prince Naif Bin Abdul-Aziz, who is also Chairman of the Supreme Hajj Committee, toured here Sunday evening the Command and Control Center of Public Security in Mina. During the tour, Prince Naif was accompanied by Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdul-Aziz, the Assistant Interior Minister for Security Affairs. On arrival at the Center, Prince Naif was greeted by Lieutenant General Saed Bin Abdullah Al-Qahtani, the head of the Security Committee and Commander of security sectors of the Interior Ministry participating in the Hajj. Prince Naif, then, toured the Center and listened to a briefing given by the Commander of the Center Major General Mohamed Bin Saleh Al-Shahri on the Center's working mechanisms, its Control room television system, its telecommunications devices and connectivity software and technology provided by the government matching with the Kingdom's modern renaissance and progress. --MORE