China has achieved "massive success" in combating hunger, moving from aid recipient to aid donor and proving "hunger is a curable problem," the United Nations' food aid agency said on Thursday, according to Reuters. China has donated $1.75 million to the agency's work, its first contribution since WFP aid to China ended last year, the U.N. World Food Programme said. Although the sum pales in comparison to the funds from major donors -- the WFP's biggest donor, the United States, gave more than $1 billion in 2004 -- the agency said it was particularly significant coming from a former recipient. "We are extremely grateful for China's support," WFP Executive Director James Morris said in a statement which noted China had received WFP aid for 26 years until last December. "China's story proves that hunger is a curable problem," he said, noting the government's efforts "to improve the lives of poor Chinese in rural areas sends a strong signal to the rest of the world that hunger is unacceptable in the 21st century."