A shipment of more than $10 million in medical and pharmaceutical supplies arrived in Gaza through the American Near East Refugee Association's (ANERA) program, in order to mitigate the humanitarian crisis there. “These medicines and supplies provide vital aid to hospitals, clinics, and the people of Gaza who are in a desperate situation,” said Tom Neu, ANERA's Middle East representative. ANERA's shipment is one of the few examples of medical aid being shipped to the Gaza strip during this difficult period. ANERA is one of the leading Non-Government Organizations (NGO) providing relief to Palestinians, through such programs as in-kind donations to Palestinian health care providers and donations to hospitals and schools. “The lack of funding to support the health care system is jeopardizing the health and well being of thousands of Palestinians,” said Peter Gubser, ANERA's president. “Hospitals and clinics have reduced services because medicine [is running out and] treatment and surgery are no longer available.”