looking investment plan. “The initiative of acquiring new planes is aimed at improving air travel services, enhancing average age of a plane by seven to nine years from existing 21 years and meeting overall requirements of the present cutting-edge technology age to match the best of the standards in airline business,” Kirmani said while addressing PIA officers. He said twelve 777 Boeing planes would be added to PIA. Five of them have already reached Pakistan, three more would be here in 2007 around a year ahead of delivery schedule while four more would come sometime later. Kirmani said that aging Fokers would be replaced by seven ATR planes, three of them to be delivered this year including one in May, the other in October and the third in December. Their delivery is expected to materialize by the year 2007. Boeing 737 would also be replaced by A320 or A321 depending on the economic situation. Some of the planes would be acquired through long lease and others to be purchased, Kirmani said.