old guerrilla war. Three busses were fire-bombed in the capital city Bogota Wednesday morning by FARC members, according to police, who said there were no injuries. No incidents were reported at the country's voting stations. "Things are calm. Most of us are voting today just as we always have," one Bogota voter told Reuters after casting her ballot. Uribe has negotiated a peace deal with illegal right-wing paramilitaries, under which about 28,000 fighters have turned in their guns in exchange for reduced jail terms for crimes such as massacre and torture. Politicians and analysts say the paramilitaries, organized as private militias in the 1980s to fight the rebels, are using Sunday's election to try to increase their power in Congress to avoid being extradited to the United States on cocaine-smuggling charges. Unlike the paramilitaries, the FARC has refused Uribe's terms for negotiating a peace deal. Early on Wednesday soldiers seized 6.3 tonnes of cocaine in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla that was about to be shipped to the United States, the army said.