Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs on Tuesday unveiled his company's first computers to run on Intel chips, according to Deutsche Presse Agentur (dpa). Jobs announced the new iMac desktop priced at 1,300 dollars, which runs on a new Intel Core Duo processor and clocks in two to three times faster than the old iMac powered by IBM Power PC chips. Jobs also showed off the new Macbook Pro which also uses the Intel dual processor chip and runs some five times faster than its predecessor. The laptop includes a built-in camera for video conferencing. Both models feature a software application called Rosetta that allows all programmes designed for Windows-based personal computers to run on the new Apples - a move that could help attract many more customers to the company's products. "When you get your hands on one of these machines, I think you're going to like them," Jobs said to wild applause at the company's biannual Macworld Expo in San Francisco. "We could not be happier." --More 23 50 Local Time 20 50 GMT