Qahtani said that STC has raised its telephone lines in Mina to 20, 000 which is 20% higher than last year. He added that the main customer services offices are close to Jamarat bridge and in Mina's main pedestrians areas working around the clock. He stated that STC Hajj services include Arafat, Muzdalefa, Makkah and Madinah. Also, he said that the company's mobile capability near the Grand Mosque has been raised to 435, 000 customers, in Aziziyah to 368, 000 customers, in Arafat to 613000 customers and in Muzdalefah to 361, 000 customers. As such, the total capability in terms of number at the holy sites has reached three millions in addition to raising the capability in Madinah to reach 625, 000 customers.