Qa'eda, Prince Turki said 'it is neither a religious nor political organization, and it is not based on the principles of Islam, but it is based on the ideology of an individual-worshipping category which exploit the sufferings of others for realizing its own goals. "Such categories claim that if the problems of Palestine and Iraq are solved, then they will become satisfied and happy, but that is not the truth," he elaborated. "It is true that the solutions of these problems will have an effect on the way they recruit their fighters, but it will become a kind of simplicity if we believe that they will stop the terror practices when these problems are resolved," he said, Prince Turki underscored the importance of unifying ranks, and said "Al-Qa'eda is working to create a wedge between peoples and religions." 'Moreover, operations of combating terrorism should be carried out simultaneously at local and international arenas," he noted. Slamming some extremist Isalmists who exploited liberties in the British society to spread ideas of hatred, Prince Turki said 'the governments, notably the western governments should never shelter persons of ideologies of extremism, and they should never think that these extremists are victims, but in fact, they should consider them as aggressors."