term assets, electric utility KEK "suffers from antiquated technology, power outages and a dramatic lack of income from its customers." -- Rule of law: The Kosovo police service is taking on now and more demanding tasks but the police appear unable to handle organized crime, official corruption and interethnic crimes. "The Kosovo police and judiciary are fragile institutions." -- Multiethnic society: "The situation is grim." Cases of inter-ethnic crimes and violence often go unreported, inhibiting ethnic minorities' freedom of movement and encouraging impunity among Kosovo's 90-percent ethnic Albanian majority. Property rights are "neither respected nor ensured." Serbs who fled Kosovo after a 1999 NATO bombing campaign have stopped returning and it will take a long time to change that. -- Serbian Orthodox religious sites: Reconstruction is about to begin of many of the sites damaged or destroyed since 1999 by Muslim ethnic Albanian mobs. But they will need some form of international protection, particularly after NATO-led peacekeeping forces leave. Albanian leaders must put a halt to efforts to rewrite Kosovo's history and erase all traces of its Orthodox institutions.