Jordanian stocks climbed 3.6 per cent Sunday, buoyed by leaks of strong quarterly results from listed firms and the advent of surplus petrodollars seeking safe investment in the country, analysts said. The all-share price index of the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) closed at an all-time high of 7,464 points, up from the previous closing of 7,202 points registered on Thursday, dpa reported. "The market was led by the heavyweight Arab Bank, which gained all the five per cent limit-up, and other blue chip firms, which appeared poised for record semi-annual profits at the end of June," a portfolio manager told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. "We expect Jordanian stocks to remain bullish until the third week of July, when most firms are expected to have published their second quarter results," he added. The ASE volume also increased by more than 50 per cent, to 131 million dinars (185 million U.S. dollars), according to the market's daily report. --SP 2215 Local Time 1915 GMT