fifth the amount flowing into Poland. "We will see a rise in FDI this year because the world respects what has been achieved. But for long-term capital inflows it will be necessary to have transformational reform," said Paul Ostling, Chief Operating Officer at consultancy Ernst & Young. "The window (of opportunity) is closing. Money wants to be here but it wants to be in a stable and balanced place." Several foreign executives said the abolition of widely abused tax breaks introduced in special economic zones by the Kuchma government had hit legitimate manufacturers hard who based their plans on being able to import components tax free. "This is the most talked about issue among (foreign) investors who decided to invest in Ukraine. They feel they were betrayed," said Wojciech Kostrzewa, CEO of Poland's ITI Group at a workshop on Ukraine's potential for high-tech industry. --SP 2320 Local Time 2020 GMT