regional relations, increasing cooperation and establishing a partnership to pursue development, justice and international peace according to the following: 1. Introduction 1.1 Declare that they share the objective of drawing up an agenda for sustainable economic and social development to be pursued bi-regionally in a coordinated way through the relevant regional and international fora. 1.2 Affirm that, with a view of promoting peace, security and stability of the world, the cooperation between the two regions should be guided by a commitment to multilateralism and respect for International Law, the observance of human rights and International Humanitarian Law; to disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons as well as other weapons of mass destruction; to the pursuit of sustainable development alongside social justice, in particular to the eradication of hunger and poverty; and to the protection of the environment. 1.3 Reaffirm full compliance with and respect for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, the peaceful settlement of all international, regional and bilateral conflicts and issues in accordance with International Law and the Charter of the United Nations and, inter alia, through established diplomatic channels including direct negotiations and referral, when appropriate, to the International Court of Justice. --More 2357 Local Time 2057 GMT