A car bomb struck a U.S. military patrol Saturday in the Iraqi capital, killing two U.S. soldiers and injuring two others. Earlier, the U.S. military announced a Marine died in action in a restive central province. The news came after U.S. military officials in Iraq announced they had thwarted an attempted prison escape at Camp Bucca, discovering a 600-foot tunnel leading out of the main prison facility for detainees in Iraq. The tunnel reached beyond the compound fence, but no one had yet escaped, said Army Maj. Flora Lee, a spokeswoman at the Army's Combined Press Information Center in Iraq. She did not know when guards discovered the tunnel. Camp Bucca holds 6,049 detainees, nearly two-thirds of all those in Iraq, Lee said late Friday. Situated near the southern city of Umm Qasr, it is one of three detainee facilities in Iraq.