The Diriyah Gate Development Authority's (DGDA) 2022 Eid Al-Adha festivities are now underway. The Islamic holiday, which marks the end of the annual Hajj (Pilgrimage), rite will see DGDA host a series of special events, activities and attractions throughout the Diriyah community. The Diriyah Happiness Tour, for example, will see two tour buses cruising the city's streets for three of the holiday's four days to deliver over 10,000 gifts to the community. Teams from the food dispatch and delivery app Jahez and DGDA will also be giving away over 14,000 candy boxes to the community throughout this same period. DGDA is also working with the Diriyah Municipality to enable preparations for the Eid feast. This includes setting up an air-conditioned tent at the livestock market, complete with comfortable seating, drinking water, and refreshments. Complementary recycling bags and Eid gifts will also be made available. DGDA's Community Engagement Department is keen to offer a diverse array of events and initiatives to its community on any given occasion, be it religious, cultural, social, or national. Plans and schedules are drawn up well in advance to ensure success, and venues are carefully chosen to guarantee access for as many people as possible. Public parks are beautified, gifts and candy are given away, and special events are held to commemorate each occasion. Throughout each event, the community's happiness is always DGDA's ultimate goal. DGDA's community engagement strategy revolves around making a clear and lasting impact on the city and its people, with the country's cultural icons present in every event. DGDA is also keen to engage the local community in its activities to assert its strategic role as a guardian and purveyor of culture and heritage, a quest aided by partnerships with various government agencies and private sector organizations.