World leaders said Monday that Iraqis handed a defeat to terrorism by voting in large numbers in landmark weekend elections. "It is an initial victory for the Iraqi people and it is a first important step which was indispensable for democracy and for the political process," French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier told Europe-1 radio. "The Iraqis deserve great recognition for the will they have shown to shape the future of their country peacefully and democratically, despite massive intimidation," said Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer of Germany. In Brussels, the European Union's foreign policy chief told The Associated Press that Iraq's move toward democracy would pay off in the provision of more aid. "They are going to find the support of the European Union, no doubt about that, in order to see this process move on in the right direction," Javier Solana said in an interview. Areas where the EU is looking to help include drafting a new constitution and training the judiciary and security forces, he said. In New Zealand, Foreign Minister Phil Goff said "Ways must be found to involve Sunnis in the drafting of the constitution, which will define power among Iraq's disparate groups, and to give them a stake in the new government." --MORE 1325 Local Time 1025 GMT