The Saudi Minister of Health Fahd Al-Jalajel has praised the contributions made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support public health at the global level. This came during the speech delivered by Al-Jalajel at the meetings of the 75th session of the World Health Organization (WHO) General Assembly that was held in Geneva, where he headed the Kingdom's delegation in these meetings. He said that the Kingdom is one of the first countries that, during its leadership of G20, initiated the holding of the extraordinary summit to combine efforts and contain the pandemic, which resulted in unprecedented global cooperation, noting that the Kingdom contributed to the establishment of an initiative to accelerate the availability of COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator and Covax Facility. The Saudi Minister of Health further said that the total aid provided by the Kingdom through the initiative and with direct support to developing countries amounted to approximately 770 million US dollars. On the other hand, Al-Jalajel congratulated Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General on his re-election as Director-General of the Organization for a second five-year term, and the renewal of the international community's confidence in his leadership of the most important and leading organization concerned with public health in the world. On the sidelines of the meetings of the WHO General Assembly, the Saudi Minister of Health held several meetings in which he met separately with the Ministers of Health of Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Cuba, Maldives, Poland, Malaysia and India.