The Acting Minister of Media Dr. Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi announced the imminent launch of the media competition "MEDIATHON", under the theme "Media Race", one of the projects of the Government Communication Center at the Ministry of Media to develop and stimulate creativity of media thinking. Dr. Al-Qasabi stressed that MEDIATHON media race aims to create competition between media professionals and those interested to present creative initiatives and quality projects that represent innovative solutions to media challenges, in partnership and cooperation with stc Group. He further said: "We are all eager to receive the ideas of creators from our citizens of this country, to achieve a better media future that meets the aspirations." It is worth mentioning that the "Media Race" seeks to attract creative solutions, within four challenges targeted in its first edition, which are traditional media presentation, media data collection, monitoring and analysis, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and professional practice and the development of international communication. The project aims to create a participatory creative space for development, enhance the impact of the participating projects through the workshops to be presented to the participants and train the most distinguished teams so as to contribute to improving the level of ideas presented and link the winning teams with the relevant authorities to work on the implementation of these projects. The project ideas will be submitted through the project's portal,, which will start receiving entries soon.