Attorney General Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah Al-Mua'jab has stressed that the Public Prosecution will stand firm and take strict legal measures against perpetrators of trafficking in persons, adding that the victims of these crimes receive special care and attention from the competent authorities. This came in an interview with Al-Mua'jab on the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, corresponding to July 30, 2021, adding that since its establishment, the Kingdom has been keen on protecting rights and freedoms from all forms of abuse and exploitation, as the Basic Law of Governance and all applicable laws in the Kingdom and international treaties and covenants affirmed this matter. He underlined that Saudi Arabia designated an independent system concerned with this crime, under which the Public Prosecution has the responsibility to file a criminal case against its violators, as well as undertaking the inspection and control measures of the shelters allocated for the victims of this crime. Sheikh Al-Mua'jab said the law imposes several severe penalties against those who carry out any of the criminal acts stipulated in the law, adding that the Public Prosecution Office has designated an independent department to investigate this crime.