Seven young men and women were found dead in a car Tuesday morning in an apparent group suicide, while two other young women were also found dead in a car on the same day, police said. Four men and three women, believed to be in their teens and 20s, were found dead in an eight-seat car parked at a mountain parking lot in Saitama Prefecture, near Tokyo, police said. They believe the group died from carbon monoxide poisoning. The police discovered four charcoal stoves in the car. The police found the seven bodies Tuesday morning after receiving a phone call from a man who was a friend of one of the seven Monday evening. The man had received an e-mail from one of the seven mentioning a suicide plan at a hiking course in Saitama's Minano town. The vehicle was a gray rented station wagon. The whole car was wrapped in blue plastic sheets secured by tape from the inside. Also on Tuesday morning, a 21-year-old woman and a 27-year-old woman were found dead in a rented car in Kanagawa Prefecture, near Tokyo. The police suspect they also killed themselves because two charcoal stoves were found in the car and a note hinting of suicide was found.