Israeli conflict in general. It is therefore incumbent upon all of us to exert maximum efforts to get the peace process moving towards its desired goals, particularly now that this process has stalled and has met with indifference and lack of concern, even in its humanitarian aspect that was expected to mobilize the conscience of the international community in defense of universally recognized human values. Furthermore, peace cannot be achieved by unilateral Israeli measures designed to create new realities on the ground for the purpose of prejudicing final outcome of political negotiations that will supposedly tackle the delicate issues of the final settlement. The Palestinian question cannot be solved, nor can the Arab-Israeli conflict be ended, through sheer force, aerial bombardment, guided missiles, assassination of Palestinian activists, destruction of infrastructure, usurpation of property, violation of rights, and the imposition of collective punishment. Peace will be achieved and security will prevail only when the United Nations resolutions are implemented, the provisions of international law are respected and applied, and the principles of justice and equality are observed. --More 1235 Local Time 0935 GMT