Shares fell in Asia on Wednesday, AP Reported. Japan's Nikkei 225 index declined 0.8% to 23,116.51. Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 0.7% to 26,904.67. The Shanghai Composite index declined 0.5% to 2,920.19. Australia's S&P ASX 200 fell 1.4% to 6,722.40. India's Sensex was an outlier, gaining 0.8% to 40,791.29. Shares also fell in Southeast Asia. In energy trading Wednesday, benchmark crude oil picked up 3 cents to $55.38 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It fell $1.79 to settle at $55.35 a barrel on Tuesday. Brent crude oil, the international standard, lost 6 cents to $60.85 per barrel after dropping $1.53 overnight. The dollar fell to 108.49 Japanese yen from 108.54 yen on Tuesday. The euro weakened to $1.1075 from $1.1077.